Everyone comes to crossroads in life, a fork in the road if you will. At one point in my own, I found myself at a dead-end where all that I knew was gone. My vision for the future was not to be. In an instant. Tick-tock. Quickly, like a second hand on a clock. A new normal was in store for me and my family from that day forward.
To the left were tears leading me down a pity path. To the right I felt magical whispers of wind wafting through my hair. Somehow, scents of leaves beneath my crinkled nose. Colors of orange and copper splayed across a sunlit wooden bridge beneath the weathered limbs of hanging trees. Cross it and everything would be okay if only I believed it to be true. Yes, please, choose the correct fork in the road.
Metaphors of my life from over twenty years ago when my children so young were diagnosed with chronic conditions. The above shaped much of who I am today. Like my children, I had to change too, and surprisingly became a writer. If not for the two of them, I never would have written a single word.
Had I ever thought of writing before my children became diagnosed with a chronic condition? Did I know what I was doing? Certainly not. At the same time, nothing could have stopped me back in the 90’s. Passion drove me like never before. I prayed every day for God to guide me on the right path, for my words to help others through paper pages.
How I wish my children could have ridden bicycles while licking dripping popsicles. Or, gone off to birthday parties to steal real crumbs of chocolate cake off colored paper plates! That would have been a true dream come true for me. Yet, in all of their little lives, it was never to be. No, God had other plans for us.
My little boys who once played with toys are now grown. They will always be blessings who helped make positive differences in the world. I thank God for holding my hand to choose the correct fork in the road.
About The Author:
*Kim Gosselin has written sixteen children’s books and published twenty five titles to help educate children about chronic conditions and/or special needs in a fun manner. She is about to release her first book in fifteen years, an e-book entitled Babies of Two, soon to be available on Amazon.com. Kim is a wife and mother of two grown sons, living in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a grandmother to five little ones ages three and under, including baby twins.
Contact Information:
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