What I do:
I strive to write fast-paced, international political and espionage thrillers with lots of twists and switch-backs, stories I hope will intrigue, excite and tantalize…keep you reading and wanting more. On this sight you will find information about books already released, forthcoming releases and opportunities to preview chapters ahead of releases or before you buy. Have a look around! Read my blog, subscribe to my Author Update and be among the first to receive news about book launches, tours and events, interviews, pre-ordering for new titles, giveaways, special offers and much more!
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Biographic Information:
I have always had a desire to write novels, but began to take the prospect of writing more seriously when I found myself traveling and spending lots of time in airports. Traveling gave me time to read lots of books. Many of those books were thrillers, but I also read historical and literary fiction, as well as non-fiction. After years of reading scores of thrillers, I realized that many of them failed to sustain the mystery and suspense they promised, offering instead predictable endings and one-dimensional main characters. This predictability, along with casts of superficial characters lacking diversity, and shortages of twists and switch-backs prompted me to try to add these crucial elements and build thrilling stories. I thus put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, and my writing began in earnest. I hope that reading my stories will generate the kind of thrills, nail-biting suspense, tension and action I enjoy in a thriller. I, therefore, invite you to let me know if my books accomplish this and to share your thoughts about them with others by writing reviews.
James North is a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer, HUMINT officer, former consultant to the U.S. Government, a political/military intelligence analyst, and university lecturer.
Photos of James North by Melanie Moss – London, England, and Lynn Levitt – Topanga, California